Living in a Tent With Family to Save Money

A lot of people are making the selection of leaving their brick and mortar houses and adopting culling systems, such as living in a camper van or a tent total time.

What could exist the reason for this?

Perhaps information technology's for the thrill of the challenge or a financial downturn for the worse. Simply whatever reason, living in a tent all yr round can be a thrilling experience, and more people are buying into the thought.

People choose to live in tents full time for many reasons which may be linked to social, fiscal, emotional, or mental footing.

No matter you decide to live in a tent, at that place are several factors you lot need to consider before making the switch from a modern residence to living in a tent.

Things to Consider Before Deciding to Live in a Tent Full Time

Living in a tent is not an like shooting fish in a barrel venture and takes a lot of idea. Just if you lot recollect you take valid reasons that go out you no pick than to ready your living quarters in a tent, then here are some of the things y'all should consider:

Source of Food and Water

This calls for careful thoughts and is one of the most important factors to take into consideration by anyone seeking to live in a tent all yr long. What are your plans for getting the food you and your family need for survival?

Water is not too difficult to find in the wild; you tin can ever seek a spot that is not too far from a stream. But what well-nigh food? The small river may accept some fishes that you can grab from time to time, simply are you a skillful fisherman?

No one just takes up a angling rod and goes fishing without taking the time to learn the art of catching and reeling in fish.

Hunting for food is another option, but how proficient are you lot with a gun or a burglarize? Practise you even own one or take the let or license to carry 1? Hunting and fishing cannot exist learned in one 24-hour interval and require time and gear(like rifles or ruddy led flashlights particularly for night hunting) to learn and primary.

Without these skills, you will before long be out of food and will have no choice just to purchase your foodstuff from the grocery store.

But then, isn't ane of the reasons you choose to live in a tent is to salve some coin? You may also demand to consider the laws that govern hunting and fishing and then that you don't get into problem with the authorities and be tagged a poacher.


woman camping with her dogThis is another essential factor that will determine how comfortable yous will be. Since you lot plan to alive in a tent, you should know that you volition be vulnerable to the weather.

Information technology is essential to consider the country you live in every bit well as the number of seasons it has.

The equipment you demand to thrive and survive in a country with merely 2 seasons is not the same in countries with four seasons.

So, you need to consider the most of import equipment you will demand for subsistence in a tent. Additionally, it may not be possible for you to carry too much paraphernalia with you to your tent because of the weight.


Every location has its laws or statutes that guide the residents about daily living. You lot may have to notice out whether or non it is permitted to set upward camp in your locality. You lot may, therefore, require a permit from the local authorities before yous are immune to make camp.

If a camping ground ground is your base, this could be a flake easier. Just and so, you may not take the privacy that you seek since there is every likelihood that other individuals would dearest to set up camp in the same area.

Living in a preservation surface area, on the other hand, may require some course of a permit from the powers that be. Whether or not the permit will permit or encompass living in a tent long-term is another ball game altogether.

Other things you also need to take into consideration when it comes to selecting a camping site to set up your tent are:

  • Rubber
  • Campfire and cooking facilities
  • Shade
  • A plain footing without a lot of brush
  • Provision for calls of nature
  • Access to internet and telecommunications


It is Extraordinarily Cheap

Once you locate the right spot to pitch a tent, yous will relieve a lot on electricity, property taxes, rent equally well every bit many other contemporary amenity costs.

Of grade, living in a tent may seem pretty extreme and a somewhat harsh style of cutting costs. Just if you recall most it, you will discover that running a modern household is much more expensive during winter than running a good tent with an acceptable supply of wintertime provisions or equipment.

Admission to the internet and warm showers may appear incommunicable, simply you lot tin can override these past signing up at a nearby gym – subsequently confirming that they are equipped with showers – and register at a library that permits internet admission to its members.


Living in a tent total time gives you the risk to exist flexible with your living conditions. This ways you can decide to prepare camp anywhere that pleases y'all, meaning that y'all tin pack up as well every bit unpack within minutes and at any time yous choose to seek a new location. Y'all are at liberty to live in a different state or city every dark.

Your Eco-Footprint Becomes Smaller

Living in a tent gives you a smaller eco-footprint. This is a positive move towards ensuring that y'all leave as little negative environmental touch as possible on planet World. By leaving a tiny carbon footprint, you lot volition take contributed towards the entrada set upwardly to minimize the effects of humans on Mother Nature.

It Makes You Live a Simpler Lifestyle

people around campfireLife, equally we have it today, is non only complicated but rushed, no thanks to the hustle and bustle that plagues the everyday living. When yous live in a tent, still, you will exist able to focus only on the most important things. You will be able to arrange your lifestyle after putting it in perspective.

It tin be a life-changing experience for people who have never had the opportunity of living in a tent before. You will spend less on luxury items and focus more only on essential stuff. The all-time function of living in a tent is that you will be able to renew your listen and body when yous connect with nature.

Y'all Will Take the Opportunity to Bath in the Forest

Spending time in the trees of the woods has been proven to be beneficial to health, according to a Japanese report.

As highlighted by the inquiry, spending fourth dimension amongst the copse gives your torso the chance to absorb phytoncides released past the copse.

These chemicals help to improve the intake of air, regulates your body, and boosts upwards your immune organisation. You volition feel happier and healthier for it, and no mod medicine can help you achieve this.


Living in tents comes with its attendant disadvantages which you will practice well to consider before opting for this way of life. The post-obit are some of the drawbacks associated with living in tents all yr round:

Facilities for Emergencies

If you determine to live in a tent, that implies that you will be living outdoors. This could be a significant disadvantage, especially if you or anyone around you gets involved in an accident or a severe disease breaks out in the family. Fifty-fifty if you're packed with first-aid kits or similar survival gear, living in a tent may not set you for such emergencies as you may not exist fairly fitted out to deal with such a crisis.

Attacks from Wild animals

Tents are ordinarily gear up up in solitary encampments that are open to attacks from wildlife. Although it is a rare occurrence for animals to attack tents, at that place accept been occasional stories of tent dwellers getting assaulted by stray grizzly bears or wolves. If you set upward your tent in wild fauna territory, the possibility of animal attacks is high.

Disturbances from the Weather

At that place are dissimilar types of tents out there that are sturdy enough to withstand any weather. I would recommend yous pick a hinged door camping tent since they're stable and quite comfortable.

But if your tent is caught up in severe weather weather such as twisters, storms, and blizzards, information technology could become a considerable challenge to overcome. The problem is magnified if such weather disturbances occur in the dead of the night which could expose you lot and your loved ones to the elements.

You lot may accept to forgo or cede well-nigh of the unproblematic pleasures that make life enjoyable such every bit warm showers, taking careful measures to prevent predation, not having to forage for and work tirelessly as well equally preserve food, etc.

Wrapping Up

Living in a tent full time is undoubtedly worth considering if y'all weigh the advantages against the disadvantages.

Not simply will you be able to save a lot of electricity, government taxes, etc. you lot will also enjoy and have a sense of taste of what life was like before the advent of modernization.

And so, make a go for it if you are the adventurous blazon and relish the maximum benefits that Mother Nature has to offer!


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