Hardships of Mexican Immigrant Migrant Working Families in the United States Peer Reviewed Source

Despite decreases in population size over the last decade, Mexicans remain the largest group of immigrants in the The states, accounting for about 24 percent of the nigh 45 million foreign-born residents. In 2019, in that location were about 10.9 million Mexican-born individuals living in the United States. This population declined past most 780,000 people, or seven percent, between 2010 and 2019, due in part to increased immigration enforcement and in role to a strengthening Mexican economy. In recent years, the number of Mexicans leaving the The states has outpaced the number of new arrivals, although the country remains far and away the pinnacle destination for Mexican emigrants.

Since 2013, Mexico has ceased to be the top country of origin for recent immigrants to the United States, overtaken past Bharat and China. As with immigrants overall, recent arrivals from Mexico are more than likely to be higher graduates than those who arrived in prior decades.

Figure 1. Mexican Immigrant Population in the United States, 1980-2019

Sources: Data from U.South. Census Bureau 2010 and 2019 American Community Surveys (ACS), and Campbell J. Gibson and Kay Jung, "Historical Census Statistics on the Strange-Born Population of the The states: 1850-2000" (Working Paper no. 81, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC, February 2006), available online.

Click hither to view an interactive chart showing the number of Mexican immigrants and their share of all U.S. immigrants over time.

The number of unauthorized immigrants from Mexico has also been on the pass up, although Mexicans still make up the majority of the unauthorized population. Mexicans deemed for 51 percent of the xi one thousand thousand unauthorized immigrants in 2018, according to estimates from the Migration Policy Institute (MPI).

Mexicans in the United States are more likely than other immigrant populations to exist long-fourth dimension U.S. residents, with nearly lx pct having arrived more than 20 years agone. However, given that a relatively high proportion are unauthorized, Mexican immigrants overall are less likely to be naturalized U.Southward. citizens than other groups. They are also more likely to live in poverty and less likely to have health insurance than the overall immigrant population.

Most Mexicans who become legal permanent residents in the United States (referred to as LPR status, also known as getting a dark-green card) exercise and so through family unit reunification, either equally firsthand relatives of U.S. citizens or through other family-sponsored channels. Mexican immigrants have besides benefited immensely from the Deferred Activity for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which provides temporary deportation relief and work authorization to unauthorized migrants who arrived equally children and run into the plan's education and other eligibility criteria. In early 2020, at that place were more than 500,000 Mexican participants in the DACA program, bookkeeping for the vast majority of agile DACA recipients.

The United States is overwhelmingly the almost popular destination for Mexicans living abroad, accounting for 97 percent of all Mexican emigrants. In fact, of all Mexicans residing either in or outside of Mexico in 2019, 8 percent were in the United States. Canada is home to the side by side largest population of Mexicans (86,000), followed by Spain (53,000), Guatemala (18,000), and Deutschland (17,000), according to mid-2019 United Nations Population Segmentation estimates. Click here to view an interactive map showing where migrants from United mexican states and other countries have settled worldwide. Within the Usa, more than than one-half of all Mexican immigrants alive in ane of two states: California and Texas.

Using data from the U.South. Census Bureau (the most recent 2019 American Community Survey [ACS] besides as pooled 2014-xviii ACS data), the Department of Homeland Security's Yearbook of Clearing Statistics, and the World Bank, this Spotlight provides information on the Mexican immigrant population in the United states, focusing on its size, geographic distribution, and socioeconomic characteristics.

Click on the bullet points below for more information:

  • Distribution past State and Key Cities
  • English Proficiency
  • Age, Education, and Employment
  • Income and Poverty
  • Immigration Pathways and Naturalization
  • Health Coverage
  • Diaspora
  • Remittances

Distribution by State and Primal Cities
In the 2014-18 period, about immigrants from United mexican states lived in California (36 percent) Texas (22 percent), Illinois (six percent), and Arizona (five percent). The next six most populous states—Florida, Georgia, Washington, Due north Carolina, Colorado, and Nevada—were habitation to an additional 13 percent of the Mexican-born population. The 4 counties with the most Mexican immigrants were Los Angeles County in California, Harris County in Texas, Cook Canton in Illinois, and Dallas County in Texas. Together, these counties accounted for 22 percent of the Mexican immigrant population.

Figure 2. Tiptop States of Residence for Mexican Immigrants in the United states, 2014-18

Note:Pooled 2014-18 ACS data were used to become statistically valid estimates at the state level for smaller-population geographies. Not shown are the populations in Alaska and Hawaii, which are small in size; for details, visit the Migration Policy Establish (MPI) Migration Data Hub for an interactive map showing geographic distribution of immigrants by state and county, bachelor online.
Source: MPI tabulation of data from U.South. Census Bureau pooled 2014-18 ACS.

Click here for an interactive map highlighting the states and counties with the highest concentrations of immigrants from Mexico and other countries.

As of 2014-xviii, the U.S. cities with the largest number of Mexicans were the greater Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, and Dallas metropolitan areas. Close to 31 percent of Mexican immigrants in the United States lived in these iv metro areas.

Effigy 3. Top Metropolitan Areas of Residence for Mexican Immigrants in the United States, 2014-18

Notation:Pooled 2014-18 ACS data were used to go statistically valid estimates at the metropolitan statistical-surface area level for smaller-population geographies.
Source: MPI tabulation of data from U.Due south. Census Bureau pooled 2014-18 ACS.

Click here for an interactive map that highlights the metropolitan areas with the highest concentrations of immigrants from Mexico and other countries.

Tabular array ane. Top Concentrations of Mexican Immigrants by Metropolitan Area, 2014-18

Source: MPI tabulation of data from the U.S. Census Bureau pooled 2014-18 ACS.

English Proficiency
Mexican immigrants are less likely to be skilful in English than the overall foreign-born population. In 2019, about 66 percent of Mexicans ages 5 and over reported limited English proficiency, compared to well-nigh 46 percent of all immigrants. Approximately 4 percent of Mexican immigrants spoke only English at home, versus 16 percent of all immigrants.

Note: Limited English Proficient (LEP) status refers to those who indicated on the ACS questionnaire that they spoke English less than "very well."

Age, Education, and Employment

In 2019, Mexican immigrants were about the aforementioned average age as the overall foreign-born population but older than the U.Due south.-built-in population. Their median age was about 45 years sometime, compared to 46 for all immigrants and 37 for the native-built-in population. Mexican immigrants were more likely than the native- and overall foreign-born populations to be of working age (18 to 64 years quondam; see Effigy 4).

Effigy iv. Historic period Distribution of the U.Due south. Population by Origin, 2019

Notation: Percentages may not add upward to 100 equally they are rounded to the nearest whole number.
Source: MPI tabulation of data from the U.S. Demography Bureau 2019 ACS.

Mexicans adults have much lower rates of educational attainment than both the native- and overall foreign-born populations. In 2019, approximately 53 percentage of Mexican immigrants ages 25 and older lacked a loftier school diploma or equivalent, compared to 26 pct of foreign-born adults and 8 percent of U.Southward.-born adults. Fewer than 8 per centum of Mexican immigrants reported having a bachelor'south degree or higher, compared to 33 percent of both U.South.-born and all immigrant adults. However, the college-educated share among Mexicans who arrived within the past 5 years was much higher: 17 percentage.

Mexicans participate in the labor strength at slightly higher rates than the native-born and overall foreign-born populations. About 69 percentage of Mexican immigrants ages xvi and older were in the civilian labor force in 2019, compared to 67 per centum of the foreign-born population and 62 percent of the U.Due south.-born population. Compared to those two groups, Mexicans were more than likely to be employed in the following occupations: service; natural resources, construction, and maintenance; and production, transportation, and textile moving (see Figure 5).

Figure v. Employed Workers in the U.S. Civilian Labor Forcefulness (ages 16 and older) by Occupation and Origin, 2019

Note: Percentages may not add together upward to 100 as they are rounded to the nearest whole number.
Source:MPI tabulation of data from the U.S. Census Agency 2019 ACS.

Income and Poverty

On average, Mexicans have lower incomes than the overall foreign- and native-born populations. In 2019, households headed by a Mexican immigrant had a median annual income of $51,000, compared to $64,000 for all immigrant households and $66,000 for native-born-led households.

In 2019, Mexican immigrants were more likely to exist in poverty (17 percent) than immigrants overall (14 percent) or the U.S. born (12 percent).

Immigration Pathways and Naturalization

Mexicans are much less likely to be naturalized U.Due south. citizens than immigrants overall. In 2019, 34 percent of Mexican immigrants had get U.S. citizens, compared to 52 percentage of the total foreign-born population.

Compared to all immigrants, Mexicans are more than likely to accept arrived in the United states of america at to the lowest degree a decade ago. The largest share of Mexican immigrants, approximately 59 percent, arrived prior to 2000, followed by 28 percentage who arrived betwixt 2000 and 2009. About 13 percent have arrived since 2010 (see Effigy six).

Figure half dozen. Immigrants from Mexico and All Immigrants in the United States by Period of Arrival, 2019

Note: Percentages may not add together up to 100 equally they are rounded to the nearest whole number.
Source: MPI tabulation of data from the U.S. Demography Agency 2019 ACS.

In fiscal twelvemonth (FY) 2019, United mexican states was the top country of origin for new permanent residents; approximately 156,100, or xv percent, of the 1 million new LPRs were from Mexico. Most Mexicans who obtain green cards practice so through family reunification channels. In FY 2019, 85 per centum of Mexicans who received a dark-green card that yr did so either as an immediate relative of a U.Due south. citizen or green-card holder or as another family unit fellow member of a citizen, a much higher share than the 69 percent of all new LPRs (run into Figure 7).

Effigy 7. Immigration Pathways of Mexican and All Legal Permanent Residents in the The states, 2019

Notes: Family unit-sponsored: Includes adult children and siblings of U.S. citizens as well every bit spouses and children of green-card holders.Immediate relatives of U.Southward. citizens: Includes spouses, minor children, and parents of U.Southward. citizens.Variety Visa lottery: The Immigration Act of 1990 established the Diversity Visa lottery program to allow entry to immigrants from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States. The law states that 55,000 diversity visas in total are made available each fiscal twelvemonth. Individuals born in Mexico are non eligible for the lottery. Percentages may not add up to 100 equally they are rounded to the nearest whole number.
Source:MPI tabulation of data from Department of Homeland Security (DHS),2019 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics (Washington, DC: DHS Office of Immigration Statistics, 2020), available online.

MPI estimates that as of 2018, approximately 5.6 1000000 (51 percent) of the estimated 11 million unauthorized immigrants in the United States were from Mexico.

Click hither to view an interactive map showing the number and geographic distribution (by state and canton) of unauthorized immigrants from Mexico and other peak origin countries. Click here to view demographic information well-nigh unauthorized immigrants nationwide, in most states, and in select counties.

Mexico is also the largest origin state for recipients of the DACA programme, which provides temporary deportation relief and piece of work authorization. As of March 2020, there were 517,500 Mexican DACA recipients, representing fourscore percent of the 643,600 active DACA recipients, according to U.S. Citizenship and Clearing Services (USCIS) data.

Click here to view the pinnacle origin countries of DACA recipients and their U.S. states of residence.

Health Coverage

Mexicans have low wellness insurance coverage rates compared to all immigrants. In 2019, 38 percent of immigrants from United mexican states were uninsured, compared to twenty percent of all immigrants and 8 per centum of the U.Southward. built-in (come across Effigy 8).

Figure 8. Health Coverage for Mexican Immigrants, All Immigrants, and the U.S. Born, 2019

Note:The sum of shares past blazon of insurance is likely to be greater than 100 because people may have more than than i type of insurance.
Source: MPI tabulation of data from the U.S. Census Bureau 2019 ACS.


The Mexican diaspora is comprised of approximately 38.5 1000000 U.Due south. residents who were either born in United mexican states or reported Mexican beginnings or origin, according to MPI tabulation of data from the U.S. Census Bureau's 2018 ACS.


In 2019, more than $38.five billion in remittances were sent to Mexico via formal channels, according to the World Banking company. Remittances accept steadily risen following a dip during the Great Recession in 2008-09. These remittances represented well-nigh 3 percent of United mexican states's gdp (GDP) in 2019.

Figure nine. Annual Remittance Flows to Mexico, 1990-2019

Note: The 2019 figure represents World Banking concern estimates.
Source: MPI tabulations of data from the World Bank Prospects Grouping, "Almanac Remittances Data," April 2020 update.

Click hereto view an interactive chart showing annual remittances received and sent past Mexico and other countries.


Gibson, Campbell J. and Kay Jung. 2006. Historical Census Statistics on the Foreign-Born Population of the United States: 1850-2000. Working Paper no. 81, U.South. Census Agency, Washington, DC, February 2006.Available online.

Gonzalez-Barrera, Ana. 2015. More Mexicans Leaving than Coming to the U.South. Washington, DC: Pew Research Heart. Available online.

Migration Policy Institute (MPI) Migration Data Hub. N.d. Educational Attainment of U.South. Adults (ages 25 and over) by Nascency and Country of Birth, 2018. Accessed October 29, 2020.Available online.

United nations Population Division. N.d. International Migrant Stock by Destination and Origin. Accessed October 29, 2020.Available online.

U.S. Census Bureau. 2020. 2018 American Community Survey. Accessed from Steven Ruggles, Katie Genadek, Ronald Goeken, Josiah Grover, and Matthew Sobek. Integrated Public Use Microdata Series: Version 7.0 [dataset]. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota.Available online.

---. N.d. 2019 American Community Survey—Advanced Search. Accessed October 29, 2020.Available online.

U.S. Citizenship and Clearing Services (USCIS). 2020. Guess Active DACA Recipients: Country of Nativity equally of March 31, 2020.Bachelor online.

U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Role of Clearing Statistics. 2020.2019 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics. Washington, DC: DHS Function of Immigration Statistics.Available online.

Globe Bank Group. 2020. Almanac Remittances Data, Apr 2020 update.Bachelor online.


Source: https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/mexican-immigrants-united-states-2019

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