How to Know What Strain You Are Smoking

Sat October 8, 2016

By Staff

  • Consumption
  • Marijuana Tips
  • Helpful Guide

420 Culture

For those in 420-friendly states, knowing what you're smoking on is ane of the easiest things you can do. But walk into a clinic, choose from a pick of strains with catchy, sometimes descriptive names and listed potency, and then walk out with an accurately-labeled medicine jar of the pasty-icky. But for those who receive their stash from a "friend" or associate, the luxury of knowing exactly what they're smoking isn't ane easily had. Fortunately, in that location are some things you can do to help you determine exactly what information technology is you're smoking to help you sound like a true "cannasseur".

Nowadays, with legalization and decriminalization spreading beyond the globe, thousands of new weed strains are being developed. Many of these strains are considered hybrids between the two popular cannabis types: sativa and indica. Only how can you tell which is which? At that place are special attributes that each type of weed offers -- and even virtually hybrids volition lean toward one or the other. Sativas and indicas tend to be vastly different in their effects, with most smokers preferring one over the other.

The Divergence Between Sativa and Indica

Sativas are generally associated with a cognitive high: creativity, inspiration, problem solving, and energy. Very strong sativas tin fifty-fifty be associated with some hallucinatory furnishings. Sativas tend to be higher proportionately in THC and CBD. When artists and writers fume, the sativa loftier is generally what they're looking for. Sativas tin can also be associated with other types of loftier productivity -- such as getting housework and chores washed. On the flip side, sativa is likewise more often associated with some of the negative aspects of weed smoking, such as high anxiety and paranoia. Physically, sativa plants are usually low-cal dark-green with sparse leaves and a tall build.

Conversely, indicas are associated with a heavy body high. In other words, couch lock. Indica is the relaxing blazon of weed: the type of weed that leaves you comfortable and melting into your sofa. Many people employ indica for recreational purposes, such as sitting around with friends and enjoying their company. Because of its relaxing effects, indica tends to be more than often used for medical purposes. Indicas tend to accept proportionately college CBD than THC when compared to sativa strains. Physically, indica plants are usually dark dark-green with thick leaves and a brusk build.

Maui Sativa

Maui Waui is a sativa-ascendant strain originating from Hawaii

Just of class, both sativas and indicas are unlike types of cannabis. Though the 'high' may seem dissimilar, there are common characteristics between each. Many people endeavour to fine-tune the high for specific effects by creating hybrid strains. Many of the well-nigh pop strains today are hybrids, popular ones including Girl Picket Cookies and White Widow.

Signs Your Bud is a Sativa or Sativa-Dominant Hybrid

  • You feel energetic and creative when smoking information technology.
  • Your thoughts race, but you still experience very productive.
  • Your weed smells sweet, light, fruity or floral.
  • Your weed may have a corresponding citrus-y gustatory modality.
  • Your weed has buds that are light and fluffy.

Signs Your Weed is an Indica or Indica-Dominant Hybrid

  • Your mind feels a little cloudy and distracted when smoking it.
  • Y'all may easily forget what you're saying or lose runway of time.
  • Your weed smells skunky, spicy, or heavily like pine.
  • Your weed may accept a corresponding chocolate-y or earthy taste.
  • Your weed has buds that are heavy and dense.

Identifying Individual Strains of Weed

It isn't only the strain that is important -- it'south the environment. You can easily see this when you go to the farmer's market. Tomatoes picked ripe from the vine look, taste, and aroma vastly different from the tomatoes that are at the grocery store. Because of this, identifying private strains of weed can actually exist very tricky. If you've smoked hydroponic Girl Scout Cookies, yous might not even recognize an outdoor grown version of the same strain.

Though it may exist difficult to say for certain, some characteristics of your bud can exist used to narrow downwardly strain options to just a few possibilities. In general, identifying an individual strain of weed volition come down to three key things: the look of the weed, the taste of the bud and the experience of the high. Generally, it is the gustation of the weed that will tip you off. Unlike weeds may have chocolate-y, citrusy, or piney tastes. These volition e'er remain similar regardless of the potency of the weed itself. Thus, this is mostly down to your ain personal experience of the different weed strains.

Knowing what kind of weed you're smoking is the kickoff pace towards discovering the type of weed that yous like most. One time you notice "your strain", you'll find it far easier to get the effects that you desire when smoking. To help you lot effigy it out, let'due south start with the post-obit:

  • How does information technology wait? Looking at your biggest, most attractive bud, what do you discover? Is it bright dark-green or does it take hints of other colors as well? Is it dense or is information technology fluffy? Are the buds big or pocket-sized? Knowing this tin can help you determine whether you're smoking an indica, sativa or a hybrid of the two. That'southward because indicas and sativas exhibit dissimilar abound patterns based on their area of origin.

    For example, indicas abound smaller and produce denser buds with less pigment considering of their origins in the middle east. Accustom to the shorter grow flavor in the area, indicas produce buds that are larger and denser with less accessory pigments (like purples and reds) to help them absorb more UV low-cal. Conversely, sativas, which originate near the equator, tend to produce smaller, fluffier buds (considering they tin grow and stretch for a longer menstruation of time) with more pigment to help shield them from excessive sunlight.

  • How does information technology taste? Though strain attributes vary greatly (even inside the aforementioned genetic line), they will oft exist named later characteristic flavors (diesel fuel strains have a gasoline flavor just every bit lemon strains will have a lemon flavor). If you know whether or not your bud is an indica or sativa, pulling out feature flavors will allow you to narrow down your options even farther. Go along in mind that kush strains tend to lean indica while brume strains tend to be sativa strains. Skunks are oft sativa-dominant hybrids.

  • How does it make you experience? Thank you to the countless strain reviews online today, it's easier than always to plug a few keywords into a search engine to find strains that friction match your loftier. Whether yous detect yourself nodding off, lost in thought or chatting up a storm after smoking, there's likely a reviewer who idea the aforementioned affair. To observe out for sure, just search for strains that create the high yous're experiencing while keeping in mind what yous've already discovered about your bud.

With thousands of cannabis strains available in America, it can be difficult to know which one is your favorite (especially if they don't come labeled). While many purport that the about important thing to know well-nigh your cannabis is that information technology is, in fact, cannabis, many others prefer intricacies associated with each individual strain. If you've been gifted a sack-o-weed that's lacking a characterization or other descriptive info, use these tips to help y'all get a better idea of what information technology is you might be smoking.

PS: If y'all enjoy the process and desire to hone your skills farther, come to Colorado to acquire to be how to be a cannabis sommelier and better prepare yourself for this budding cannabis industry. Or only hone your skills for your next pot party :)

How practice you figure out what strain you lot're smoking?

Photo Credit: Southern California Public Radio

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